Review|Maybelline Baby Lips in Grape Vine

IMG_20160428_191757Hi guys 🙂

Today I am reviewing one of the Maybelline Baby Lips lip balms in Grape Vine. I picked out this Baby Lips over the other ones because 1: I LOVED the packaging, and 2: Recently I stopped hating everything grape flavored, so I have been on the lookout for grape scented lip balms. My Mom purchased this for me at RiteAid for $4.49.


First off, I want to say that even though this lip balm is very dark looking in the tube, it is a nice purple-ish rose color on your lips. It is a very smooth formula, it reminds me a lot of Revo lip balms, but I think that this may be a little bit smoother than Revos. As you can see in the picture above, the packaging said 8 hour moisture, which I think is definitely true. It makes my lips so moisturized and soft! I heard other people saying how they feel like they have to reapply this lip balm often because it wears off so quickly, but I don’t find that true at all! The scent is also really nice, I didn’t expect it to be scented at all, but this is only my second Baby Lips and I assumed that they were all unscented. I opened this one and could already smell full-on grape! It totally smells like grape juice and grape popsicles! One downside to this lip balm (and it may just be me) is that it goes so fast! I do apply it almost five times an hour beause it smells so amazing, and because I love the color so much! I’ve included a swatch below too 🙂


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